Sunday, February 21, 2010

CNY 2010

  • Traveled to Penang to visit dear's grandmother. Having enough rest and nice food! Plenty of afternoon naps, Nasi Lemak, Wanton Mee, Bak Kut Teh and many more!
  • Remember I used to play with Pop Pop when I was very young. Throw at staircase every time. It was wrapped with white paper in round shape with a tail. Now, it is a long shaped!
  • (pictures are taken on CNY eve and CNY day 1)
  • Pop Pop
I asked Dear to post a pic after he hanged the "bomb" hee

My princess

Brandon and his cousins
This is where Brandon & Chevonn's "zhou zhou" stay..
Prepared a stack of red packets to give to the people staying in the Home our grandma

Giving out red packets..

Taken on our ferry ride (with cars)
Penang Komtar
Penang Bridge (Orange lights are the lamp posts of Panang Bridge)
Now Chevonn is starting to tilt her head while playing, feels cheeky or taking photos..

Yes, we took the stairs! In Penang during arrival and departure, all stairs!

"Queueing to depart"

We are next...

We are up!

This is the Penang Bridge

Singapore area!!

Bought at Duty Free zone.. since cant buy any liqour, bought this instead =D

Ferry Ride video clip - Ferry that transport Cars Beautiful Fire Works Dear hanged the Fire crackers


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