- Met up with Sufen and Peik Yan yesterday. They are so late! I waited for 30mins until my legs are sore.
- Found myself a seat at Yoshinoya and that was where we had our dinner too.
- Went to 7-11 shortly after we finished out dinner as Sufen wanted to buy a pack cigarettes.
- Peik Yan and myself are waiting outside 7-11 when she came out laughing + angry.
- She had placed a note and a one dollar coin on the counter when she told the counter staff which cig she want. As ahe was looking through at the sweets at the counter, it had passed 5 secs when cig was not pass to her yet.
- And she reslised that the man was staring at her.
- She placed a teo dollar note and a one dollar coin. $3.00 for a pack of cig?! LOL$!!!
- Feeling "malu" she changed her note immediately and cant figure why she took a two dollar note instead of a ten dollar one.
- Anyway, starting smoking.
- AND, they SMOKED infront of the NO SMOKING sign.
- We sat on a bench inside the S.C. and talked about how Sufen's current boyfriend is making her so happy everyday. And that she is giving up her dog grooming position to become a porridge seller soon in Bedok.
- I wish you ALL THE BEST!
- ok, i know you know la, that I always support your decisions.
Anyway, not important. My loots!
My document bag! Material is very "cushioning"!
 Beach color heels chosen by Sufen, I love it! Oh its platform + heels! That one is 8cm. yes, the left one. Right pair heels is 5cm only lah..
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